Degrees and Certifications:
Officer Dillon
Officer Dillon Elvington
School Resource Officer
The Colony Police Department
School Resource Officers (SROs) are Police Officers responsible for safety and crime prevention for the campuses he or she serves. Additionally, and equally as important, they strive to build healthy relationships with our children at a young age in a positive setting.
Hello! My name is Dillon Elvington and I am your SRO for Ethridge Elementary School! Having the ability to interact with our youth on a daily basis, along with working in partnership with our dedicated administrators and educators has truly been the highlight of my career! I take great pride in what I do and appreciate your confidence and support! I welcome you to contact me directly should you have any questions or concerns!
Officer Dillon
Officer Dillon Elvington #438
The Colony Police Department
School Resource Officer
Ethridge Elementary
6001 Ethridge Dr.
The Colony, Tx 75056
O – 972 904 1766
Pd – 972 625 1887