Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • School nursing is a specialized practice that links health care and education to advance academic success for all students.

    Welcome to Nurse Thu’s Health Room. Here at Homestead ES, we strive to provide safe and effective care to each student through the protection and promotion of student health. On the left are health links and downloadable health forms that you may need. Please contact me with questions or concerns.

    Student Illness – When Should My Student Stay Home?

    • Fever of 100° or greater until student is fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications.
    • Diarrhea and/or Vomiting until student has been symptom free for at least 24 hours without the use of medications.
    • Pink Eye, Strep Throat until treated with medication for a minimum of 24 hours
    • Ringworm lesion is covered and treatment has been started

    Kindergarten and First Grade Parents

    Please consider packing a change of clothes in your student’s backpack. I have limited sizes and supply of available clothing in the health room.


    Immunization Requirements
    On April 15, 2004 the Attorney General of Texas issued a statement to clarify rules relating to immunizations and school admission. Admission to school or continued attendance at school is no longer allowed until records are received showing:
    1. that the child has been immunized according to Texas rules;
    2. the child has exemption from immunization requirements on file with the school in accordance with the rules (see your school nurse for questions or information);
    3. that the child is entitled to provisional enrollment.
    Provisional enrollment allows students to enroll in the following situations:
    • Students transferring from another Texas public or private school have a 30 day period.
    • Students defined as homeless by McKinney-Vento have a 30 day period.
    • Students who have received at least one dose of each specified age-appropriate vaccine required by the TDH rules. To remain enrolled, students must complete the required subsequent doses of each vaccine series on schedule and as rapidly as is medically feasible and provide acceptable evidence of vaccination to the school. A school nurse or school administrator shall review the immunization status of a provisionally enrolled student every 30 days to ensure continued compliance in completing the required doses of vaccination. If, at the end of the 30-day period, a student has not received a subsequent dose of vaccine, the student is not in compliance and the school shall exclude the student from school attendance until the required dose(s) is (are) administered.
    For questions contact your child's physician, Denton County Health Department or your school nurse.
    Check these sites for additional information on: