Please scroll down for maps and text instructions.
Please remember that you have two options for getting your students here safely each morning.
1. They can ride the bus - All HVE students in our attendance zone are afforded a bus to transport them to and from school, and they are not on a transfer.
2. Parents may drop them off following the above attached traffic flow procedure.Traffic Flow
If you are in Discovery Academy or the ECSC Program, please continue to follow the traffic procedure explained at orientation.
Morning Traffic K -5th Grade: Please turn right into the main parking lot from Creek Valley Blvd. If you are turning from the opposite direction, please courteously merge prior to the first crosswalk. Please DO NOT make illegal turns (turning right into the school from the middle line to pass the traffic line) as this is illegal, unsafe and discourteous. Keep in mind that you are modeling "The Golden Rule" for your children.
Follow the traffic flow to the back of the building. Students are to be dismissed from the right side of their car only.
Please stay in your cars, as traffic from the opposite direction causes an unsafe situation if you are exiting on the left.
Pull all the way forward to the first white sign. Doing this allows us to get as many children exiting their car (on the right side only) at one time as we can
Once your child has safely exited the car, please remain in line until it begins moving again. Pulling around cars and cutting in line creates a hazardous situation. Follow the traffic flow around the circle. Continue towards the playground in order to turn right onto Creek Valley Blvd while exiting the HVE parking lot. (No left turns are allowed due to traffic flow during the allotted morning and afternoon drop off hours).Please remember, due to heavy traffic on Creek Valley Blvd. and Hebron Parkway students are NOT allowed to walk to and from school. Walking to the traffic lines is an unsafe situation due to traffic and is a security issue for the school.
Gentle reminder, it is against the law to use your cell phones unless they are hands-free, in the School Zones (including on School property) during morning and afternoon drop-off hours.