Link for LISD Skyward Family Access
To enter 2023-2024 Course Request in Skyward, you must use the Skyward Website.
You cannot use the Skyward APP to enter course requests.
Middle School Academic Planning GUIDE
LISD Transfer Information Link: https://www.lisd.net/transfers
Rising 6th Grade:
24-25 Rising 6th Grade Registration Timeline
24-25 5th Grade Registration Flyer
24-25 Lamar 6th Grade Registration Presentation
Lamar MS 6th Grade 24.25 Course Selection Form
Advanced Academics: LISD Honors Courses Information
LISD G/T Secondary Information - Contains all program information, including course options and referring students for assessment.
LISD Middle School G/T and Honors Courses Smore - explains the G/T vision and goals and describes all courses (both G/T designated and Honors) available to G/T students.
LISD Middle School Dual Language Information
Rising 7th Grade:
24-25 Rising 7th/8th Grade Registration Timeline
24-25 Lamar 7th Grade Registration Presentation
Lamar MS 7th Grade 24.25 Course Selection Form
Marcus High School Tennis Program
Advanced Academics: LISD Honors Courses Information
LISD G/T Secondary Information - Contains all program information, including course options and referring students for assessment.
LISD Middle School G/T and Honors Courses Smore - explains the G/T vision and goals and describes all courses (both G/T designated and Honors) available to G/T students.
LISD Middle School Dual Language Information
Rising 8th Grade:
24-25 Rising 7th/8th Grade Registration Timeline
24-25 Lamar 8th Grade Registration Presentation
Lamar MS 8th Grade 24.25 Course Selection Form
Marcus High School Tennis Program
Advanced Academics: LISD Honors Courses Information
LISD G/T Secondary Information - Contains all program information, including course options and referring students for assessment.
LISD Middle School G/T and Honors Courses Smore - explains the G/T vision and goals and describes all courses (both G/T designated and Honors) available to G/T students.
LISD Middle School Dual Language Information