2024-25 Parking Information for Students
August 1, 2024
To: Marcus High School Students and Parents
Re: Parking Guidelines & Parking Permits
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!
The purpose of this letter is to inform students and parents about our parking regulations at Marcus High School.
Senior Parking
All Senior RESERVED Parking will be handled by Mrs. Karbs. If you have a senior reserved parking spot, you should have received an email directly from Mrs. Karbs.
Questions regarding parking can be directed to her at karbsg@lisd.net
General Parking
General Parking (not reserved parking) is $5 and must be renewed each school year.
Starting on 08/01/2024, parking permits will be sold online. There is no need to get a parking permit until your child begins driving and parking on campus.
Please make sure to follow the steps in order
All students are required to purchase a parking permit each school year. If you currently have a driver’s license, the deadline to get a parking permit is 09/03/2024. *If you are a new driver please complete the steps above once you are licensed. Your permit number will be your driver’s license number. There is no need to have a parking permit until you begin driving and parking on campus.
If you have any questions about General Parking, or if you have been involved in an accident in our parking lot, please contact Mr. Smith at smithka@lisd.net 469-948-7014.
Marcus High School Parking
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I drive a different car to school?
As long as you have a Marcus Parking Sticker, you can get a temporary parking tag in the Main Office - See Mrs. Perez in the main office.
What do I do if someone parked in my Senior Parking Spot?
Do not park in another senior spot! (If you park in someone’s reserved senior parking spot you will likely get WNS)
Take a photo of the vehicle that shows the whole front/back of the vehicle - along with the license plate number - including the white stripe with your parking spot number in the picture.
Email this to Mr. Smith, and be patient – smithka@lisd.net
Please note any Marcus Parking sticker numbers – this will help Mr. Smith find the offender much faster.
What should I do if I witness an accident, or see someone damage another car?
Contact Officer White in the SRO office, and/or contact Mr. Smith at smithka@lisd.net. We will be happy to assist you. If possible, get the license plate number, name(s), phone number(s) of others involved, and any other information that will help us locate the person/vehicle.
What should I do if I get in an accident, or hit another car?
Contact Officer White, SRO and/or Mr. Smith at smithka@lisd.net.
ALWAYS stop and leave your information. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action, and/or hit and run charges. Information you need to leave if no one is in the other car: Your name and phone number.
If you are speaking with the person you had an accident with make sure to exchange your name, phone number, Insurance Company, 800 number, and policy number. I also recommend that you contact Mr. Smith and Officer White - we have helped many kids with accidents.
Make sure to let your parent/guardian know as well.
What if my child doesn’t turn 16 (or get licensed until later this year?) Will they still be able to get a parking sticker?
Yes, of course. We know and understand that every year we have students getting their driver’s license throughout the year.
The deadline is for students who are already licensed to drive. If they have a driver’s license, are driving and parking at school - the Parking deadline is September 13, 2024.
When I get my parking permit, where should it be placed? The permit should be placed on the inside of the windshield, lower left when behind the steering wheel, close to the registration sticker.
My child will be getting their driver’s license very shortly. Should I wait to complete the parking application? No, their permit number will end up being their driver’s license number. Students should have a parking permit before they start driving to school.
Please direct all questions to Mr. Kyle Smith at smithka@lisd.net