Dual Language PowerPoint

    Interested in giving your child the opportunity to become proficient in Spanish and English?


    Step 1: Plan to attend a Parent Information Meeting to find out about the LISD program. Parents can attend at any location listed below.


    Step 2: Make an informed decision.  Additional research on dual language and district models can be found on the LISD District page under the parent link.


    •   Parents considering either model should recognize the importance of a long term commitment. Both models will be extended to higher grade levels each year so that participating children can continue through 5th grade. New non-Spanish speaking students will not be accepted into the program after first grade without extensive outside experience with Spanish.  Priority will be given to students living within the school's attendance zone.  However, students living outside the zone will be accepted where space is available. Transportation is not provided for students from other attendance zones.


    Step 3: Submit a Request for Placement---

    NOTE:  Requests will only be accepted from parents who attended a Parent Information Meeting.

    Dates for meetings coming soon.


    What is Dual Language?
    Dual Language is a bilingual education program model where instruction is split between English 50% of the time and Spanish, 50% of the time.
    When does Dual Language begin?
    Students who are eligible for fall 2012 Kindergarten will be considered for Dual Language program participation. Dual Language instruction begins at Kindergarten and moves incrementally through fifth grade.
    Who can participate in Dual Language?
    There are currently two types of LISD Dual Language programs:
    • One –Way Dual Language – all students participating are native Spanish speakers enrolled in the bilingual education program.
    • Two-Way Dual Language – a percentage of the students participating are native English speakers.
    Native English speakers may elect to participate upon verification of kindergarten eligibility and enrollment at their home campus. Native Spanish speakers are served in the dual Language program in accordance with Texas bilingual education law.
    What is the goal for the Dual Language program?
    The goal of the Dual Language program is to develop a second language (Spanish/English) at an early age through academic content. The goal is bilingualism and bi-literacy.
    How is instruction delivered in the Dual Language program?
    Instruction is delivered in a co-teach model. Two teachers (one bilingual certified and one English as a Second Language Certified) are partnered and teach 50% of the instructional time in the language of their certification.
    How often do students rotate teachers?
    Students rotate teacher based on the grade level of the class and the developmental readiness of the students. Learning time is extended based on the maturity and depth of instruction necessary in advancing grades. Kindergarten and first grade rotate more often (every day or every other day). The frequency of the rotation provides support in the respective native language.
    Does Dual Language use a special curriculum?
    No, the LISD Dual Language model follows the LSD curriculum. Student in the Dual Language program receive instruction equal to that of students in general education. All core subjects re taught in both English and Spanish.
    Are the student expectations for learning different in Dual Language?
    No, students are expected to master the same state required mandates, LISD curriculum performance standards; all the while, acquiring a second language. Language is taught through all academic subjects.
    Does a child or parent need to know Spanish in order to participate?
    No, no prior knowledge or language proficiency in Spanish necessary for student participation.
    Do native Spanish speakers who qualify for bilingual education services apply for dual language services?
    No, native Spanish speaking students are served in the dual language program in compliance with Texas law.
    See the links below for additional resources.