TB Testing

  • All students entering District schools for the first time who have immigrated from another country, with the exception of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Western Europe, shall provide prior to enrollment a certification of screening for tuberculosis. This examination shall be made by, or under the direction of a physician (MD/DO) licensed to practice in the US and must be made not more than 90 days prior to enrollment into District schools. The test must show no disease, or, if the student has TB, documentation of treatment and a statement of admissibility from a United States health care provider must be provided.

    If a TB test is performed at the time of enrollment and results are pending, the student may attend school in the absence of any signs and symptoms of illness. The test must be read by the administering agency and the results documented and turned into the school nurse.

    In the event of positive reading, the DCHD will be contacted to evaluate the appropriate actions and work with the medical authority to determine treatment and school attendance recommendations.