Nurse's News
Medication at School
Sometimes it is necessary for a medication to be given during school hours. Only medications that cannot be given outside the school hours will be administered.
If a medication is required to be given at school:
-All medications must be in the original, current, properly labeled container with clear and legible instructions.
-Prescription labels must include: brand/generic name of drug, strength, manufacturer, pharmacy address, name of student and prescribing physician, date dispensed, expiration date of drug, and clear instructions for use, including specific times to be given.
-All medications to be administered at school must be FDA approved. Supplements, herbals, vitamins, homeopathic, and other non-regulated substances will not be given.
Please complete the Parent Request for Administration of Medication by School Personnel form.
Over-the-Counter Medication:
Secondary students may carry over the counter medications (Tylenol, ibuprofen, Midol, etc.) and some prescription medications (example - antibiotics).
To do so, they need to:
-Keep the medication in the original container.
-Have their first and last name on the container.
-Carry a written note from their parent/guardian naming the medication(s) and instructions for use. The note should include; date, parent/guardian signature and phone number. You may use the Parent/Guardian Permission to Carry Medication at Middle School or High School form below.
Students may NOT carry controlled substances at any time. All controlled substances, including behavior modification drugs, must be kept and administered by the school nurse.
Emergency Medication:
In order to carry and self-administer emergency rescue medication (INHALERS, EPI-PENS and DIABETIC SUPPLIES) while at school or school functions, an Emergency Medication Self Carry Agreement must be completed by the parent/guardian and doctor.
Parent Request for Administration of Medication by School Personnel - English
Parent Request for Administration of Medication by School Personnel - Spanish
Parent Permission to Carry Medication at Middle or High School - English
Parent Permission to Carry Medication at Middle or High School - Spanish
Self-carry Agreement for Emergency Medications - English
Self-carry Agreement for Emergency Medications - Spanish
Student Information Sheet Allergy/Asthma - English
Student Information Sheet Allergy/Asthma - Spanish