Attendance Information
Attendance Policy
First bell rings at 7:35AM. Student may begin to go to their classrooms. The second bell rings at 7:45AM, all students must be in their seats and ready to start the day. Any student not in their room by 7:45AM will be considered Tardy. All tardy students must come to the office to receive a tardy slip before they are allowed into the classroom.
Students are allowed to miss 18 all or parts of days. A tardy is counted as a part of day. If you are getting close to the 18 days you will receive a formal letter from the Principal or Assistant Principal to make you aware of the situation.Absence Information
If you have a doctor's appointment in the morning, as long as you bring in a note from the doctor's office it will be an excused medical tardy. If you leave during the day to go to a doctor's appointment and come back to school afterwards, you will need a doctor's note for admittance as well. If you leave during the day to go to a doctor's appointment and you do not bring your student back to school we will not need any further documentation.
If your student wakes up in the morning and is ill and will not be attending school that day you will need to call the attendance line at (469) 713-5193 – Prompt #1 (please do not prompt out to speak to the office, mornings are very busy and we would prefer that you leave a message on the attendance line). Leave the student’s name, teacher name and nature of your student’s absence. We would like to receive this information by 9am. If you do not want to call, you can email instead:
If you want homework sent home for your student who has missed school please send an e-mail to your teacher to request it. The policy is that we will have it in the office by 3:00PM on that day. If you request it to be here earlier it is up to the teacher if they can get it here by the time requested. The policy is for everyday missed the student has a day to make up their homework.Doctors/Dentist Appointments
We understand that doctor and dentist appointments are unavoidable during the school day. If you have to take your child out or take them before school to an appointment please be sure and bring us a note from your doctor or dentist. These times are excused and will not count against your Student if a note is turned-in. After 2:30 p.m. no child will be called from class. Please plan appointments accordingly, except under extreme circumstances. Messages regarding dismissal will be delivered at 2:30 p.m. Please do not call before you arrive to school, parents must be in the office before a student will be called from class for an appointment.Pre-planned absence form