Students in LISD middle schools may carry over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, ibuprofen, Midol, throat lozenges, etc) and inhalers and EPIPENS. Directions to self-carry are below. For controlled substances or prescription medications or treatments they may not be self-carried and instructions for those are also below. You can find updated forms on the LISD website, departments, health services and then select forms.
Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications/Some Prescriptions
1. Keep the medication in the original container.
2. Carry with the medication a signed note from the parents/guardians listing the student's name, name of medication, dosage and frequency to take the medication, parent/guardian name and phone number.
3. Make sure you let them know they may NOT SHARE their medication with anyone.
Inhalers and Epi-Pens
1. Provide the School Nurse with a completed Medication Self Carry Agreement Form
2. Have a Prescription label (from pharmacy) attached to, or with, the inhaler/epi-pen with student’s name and instructions for use.
3. Bring inhaler/epi-pen to nurse to review use and instructions.
Controlled Substances and Treatments
1. Provide the School Nurse a Medication Orders/Authorization/Consent Form completed and signed by parents/guardian and doctor, and any additional information from your child’s doctor.
2. Medication must have a prescription label with the student’s name and instructions.
The School Nurse does NOT give out over-the counter medications. Parents must provide all medications as directed above.
AED’s (Automated External Defibrillators) are in all LISD Schools- We have 2 at Lamar
Responder Team- We have 8 staff members here at Lamar MS that are a part of our First Responder Team. They are all trained in responding to non-breathing emergencies individually and together as a team.
All staff members are trained in hands-only CPR, Heimlich manuever and EPIPEN administration.