Data & Ratings - Memorial

  • Memorial was opened in August 2021. Data started being available in Fall 2022.


    LISD Campus Profile | Glossary

    Campus Profile Sheets were created to better inform our community about the more robust educational experiences students receive at our schools. True accountability can’t come from a state or national system; it must be a respectful partnership between state and local interests. It must come from the community’s hopes and dreams for its children. For additional information, please visit
    State Accountability
    Ratings issued by TEA are limited in scope and use.  They are generated from standardized tests administered on one day of the school year.  For more information on how ratings are calculated, please see the TEA's Accountability manual.
    TAPR Report: Campus | District | Glossary
    The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) pull together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. Performance is shown disaggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and low income status. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics.
    The TAPRs were previously known as the Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Reports.
    School Report Card 
    School Report Cards are produced annually for each Texas public school campus and contain information from the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) as well as some information from the Accountability Rating System for Texas Public Schools and Districts.
    Each year a new Definitions document is produced for the School Report Card specific to that year. (English or Spanish
    Federal Report Card: Campus
    Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district's campuses are now available on the Texas Education Agency's website.