District Vision, Mission and Beliefs

    • VISION

      All students are confident, equipped with the knowledge and skills to thrive and adapt for their future.


      Engaging and inspiring learners and leaders.


      • Students’ needs are the center of our learning community.
      • Education is the shared responsibility of students, staff, and community.
      • High quality staff are the heart of a culture of learning.
      • A safe and nurturing environment is essential for a sense of well-being.
      • Continuous improvement informs and inspires future growth.
      • Students are more than a test score.

Campus Mission & Goals

  • Our exemplary campus is located just one mile south of the historic “flower mound” in Flower Mound, TX. Our exceptional staff, supportive parents and outstanding students make this a wonderful community for learning and achievement.
    We are BEARS:

    • Becoming life long learners who can reach their highest potential.
    • Emphasizing the worth of individuality and the power of teamwork among parents, teachers, staff and students.
    • Achieving excellence academically, physically, socially and morally.
    • Respecting each other and becoming responsible citizens.
    • Seeking a safe, nurturing environment that promotes quality, integrity and community involvement.