

Degrees and Certifications:

Referral Process


Reasons to Refer:

  • Concerns with your child's attitude toward school or academic growth.
  • Concerns with your child's personal/social development.
  • Concerns with your child's relationships with peers.
  • Concerns with your child's reactions to changes within the family that may be effecting his or her learning at school.

Ways to Refer:

  • A parent/guardian may refer his or her child.
  • A teacher/staff member may refer a student.
  • A child may refer themselves.

How to Refer:

  • Parents/Guardians/Teacher/Staff: Touch base with the counselor (Mrs. Price) to communicate concerns. This can be done via conference, phone (972) 350-5121 or email ( Mrs. Price will follow-up with the child, as needed, after referral is made.
  • Students: Students can either let the counselor know directly they'd like to visit, let their teacher know they would like to visit with the counselor (who will then let Mrs.Price know), or they swing by the counseling corner (Room A17) to sign-in.
  • If students prefer to request a visit on their own, they can...leave a note in Mrs.Price's mailbox outside of the counseling office.