Degrees and Certifications:
Nurse Smith
BB Owen family,
My name is Vm Smith, I go by Nurse Smith at school just because it seems easier for the students. I have a biomedical science degree from Texas A&M University. I have my nursing degree through Collin College and I then went on to complete my bachelors degree in nursing through the University of Texas @ Arlington.
I have been married for 26 years to my very wonderful and patient husband. I have two beautiful daughters; one is a graduate from Texas A&M and my youngest is playing soccer and going to school at Letourneau University.
I decided to go into the nursing field when I went on a mission trip to the Philippines w/my father-in-law. We did health screenings for the Philipino people and because of their lack of resources, I began to understand that educating them on their health was their most important asset. I came home from that mission trip and enrolled into school to begin my nursing path.
I started working at Medical City Plano as a RN in January of 2015 as a neuro PCU nurse. It was challenging and hard but I loved it and it has shaped me into the nurse that I am. I stayed on for almost 4 years. I decided to move into school nursing because I have always loved working w/children, (I taught preschool for seven years prior). I have been a school nurse for 5 years now and I absolutely love it. I know this is where I am supposed to be.
Please feel free to contact me w/any questions. I love being able to work w/families and students to give them the best chance at learning and success.
Nurse Smith
469-765-4287 (LISD cell phone number)
Nurse Smith Dance Parade
Nurse SMith and her family have a special message for all B.B. Owen Bobcats!
LISD Health Services
Our children are our most valuable resource. For that reason, LISD provides a registered nurse on each campus. The goal of the school nurse is to maximize the educational opportunities of each student by identifying, assessing, preventing, managing, minimizing, or removing barriers to education.