

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Debbie Medina, RN

Clinic Hours 

8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

You will find any forms you may need if your child is going to be keeping medications at school when you click on the Medical Form Tab. They will need completed forms even if they self-carry, including over-the-counter medications, inhalers, & Epi-pens. Remember that school nurses do not keep a supply of medication to hand out to students.

Reasons the School Nurse will Recommend a student go home:

  • Temperature of 100 or above
  • Signs and symptoms of strep throat or flu
  • Symptoms of "Pink Eye"
  • Witnessed or continual vomiting
  • Multiple episodes of diarrhea

** District policy states that students must be fever-free, with no vomiting or diarrhea (without the use of medication), for 24 hours before returning to school.**

Medication Policies:

  • Students may carry over the counter medications in their original container with a note from parent(s) or with the form titled 'Permission to carry over the counter medications'.  All medications must be in the original container and prescribed for the student. Students may self-carry most non-narcotic prescriptions once approved by the nurse. Any controlled substance, narcotic and some other medications will need to be kept in the health room and given by the nurse.
  • Asthma inhalers may be carried by students with the form 'Emergency Medication Self-Carry Agreement'. Please call the nurse with any questions.
  • Students with life threatening allergies should carry emergency medication while at school and are encouraged to keep extra in the health room. Please notify the school nurse if your student has any prescribed emergency medication, such as an Epi Pen, and complete the 'Allergy Action Plan' and 'Emergency Medication Self-Carry Agreement' forms.

LISD Fever Policy

If your student has a fever of 100 or over, no school until he/she is fever-free for 24 hours without the help of fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol, etc.



Changes have been made to the state required vaccincations:

It is now required for all 6th graders to have TWO Hepatitis A vaccines in order to attend school. The first of the two vaccines must be given on or after the first birthday.

These are the vaccinations you need to have completed and on record at school for 7th grade: 

  • TDAP booster
  • Meningococcal (MCV4)
  • 2nd Varicella (or a written statement from parent with the date that student has had the chicken pox)

What's going on:

  • 7th Grade Vision, Hearing, & Acanthosis Nigricans Screenings
  • Students who are new-to-district Vision & Hearing Screenings


Medical Minute Presentations:

Sun Safety

Surviving Allergy Season

Don't Catch the Flu!