Course Description:
89808400 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE, 1 credit
Students acquire principles of computer maintenance, including electrical and electronic theory, computer hardware principles, and broad level components related to the installation, diagnosis, service, and repair of computer systems. To prepare for success, students must have opportunities to reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills to a variety of settings and problems. At the end of this course students will be able to take the CompTIA A+ Certification. CompTIA A+ certification validates foundation-level knowledge and skills necessary for a career in IT support. It is the starting point for a career. The international, vendor-neutral certification proves competence in areas such as installation, preventative maintenance, networking, security and troubleshooting. Material and supply fees may be required. Must be taken with Computer Maintenance 1 Lab to receive credit.
89814100 NETWORKING, 1 credit
This course is designed to prepare the student for successful completion of CompTIA Network+ curriculum, and to take the Network+ certification exam which shows the industry that you have basic competency in the physical support of networking systems and knowledge of the conceptual aspects of networking. Network+ Certification is an industry-wide, vendor-neutral certification program developed and supported by the Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). Material and supply fees may be required.
The Internetworking Technologies I course is normally comprised of the courses called Cisco CCNA R&S: Introduction to Networks (CCNA 1) and Cisco CCNA R&S: Routing and Switching Essentials (CCNA 2). The Introduction to Networks course introduces the concept of networking, using various analogies to help the student understand the movement of packets throughout the Internet, and the protocol standards used. *Fees required
Prerequisite: Foundations of Cybersecurity & Digital Forensics
The Internetworking Technologies 2 course is normally comprised of the courses called Cisco CCNA R&S: Scaling Networks (CCNA 3) and Cisco CCNA R&S: Connecting Networks (CCNA 4) The CCNA 3 course covers the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in larger and more complex networks. *Fees required
Prerequisite: Computer Maintenance 1, Networking 1
Students will gain advanced knowledge and skills in the application, design, production, implementation, maintenance, evaluation, and assessment of products, services, and systems.
Prerequisite: 2 courses from the Information Technology cluster