Central Elementary Mission

  • Our Mission

    We are committed to challenge all students and support academic achievement in a safe environment, empowering them to become successful, life long learners and productive citizens. 

    Nuestra Misión
    Estamos comprometidos a retar a todos los estudiantes y apoyar sus logros académicos en un ambiente seguro, dándoles el poder de convertirse en perpetuos aprendices exitosos y ciudadanos productivos.
    Instructional Initiatives
    Balanced Literacy Implementation

    Guided Math Instruction 

    Differentiated Learning 

    Professional Learning Communities for Staff  in order to increase student achievement

District Vision, Mission and Beliefs

    • VISION

      All students are confident, equipped with the knowledge and skills to thrive and adapt for their future.


      Engaging and inspiring learners and leaders.


      • Students’ needs are the center of our learning community.
      • Education is the shared responsibility of students, staff, and community.
      • High quality staff are the heart of a culture of learning.
      • A safe and nurturing environment is essential for a sense of well-being.
      • Continuous improvement informs and inspires future growth.
      • Students are more than a test score.