Please contact our Attendance Clerk, Hailey Stubbs, via phone 469-713-5984 or email at shadowridgeattendance@lisd.net.
- Parents should provide a note, documenting the reason for the absence, to the school immediately upon the child’s return, and not later than three days after the absence.
- If the child was seen by a health care provider, a note from that individual is always preferred.
- If the student was present PART of the school day and missed the remainder for a health care appointment, a note from that provider should be given to the school within 3 days. In this circumstance, the time away from school is NOT considered an absence.
- If a student is absent for more than four consecutive days for illness, a note from a health care provider is required to excuse the absence.
The district will accept parent notes to excuse an illness, personal, or pre-approved absence for no more than 10 full or partial day absences during the school year. Any additional absences will require a note from a health care provider or documentation of an absence exempt from compulsory attendance, in order to be excused.