• Course Selection: 2024-2025

  • 2024-2025 Registration Book
    (click the picture below)


    2024-2025 Rising 9th Grade Presentation 
    (click the picture below)

TECC Open Houses

  • Marcus HS 9th Grade Campus - Schedule Change Policy 2024-2025

    Schedule changes will be considered during the first 3 days of class for the following reasons:

    • Errors in the schedule.  Errors may include:
      • Two classes in the same period
      • Class scheduled that was passed in summer school
      • Credit already received in a class
      • Credit needed due to a failure
    • Program/Placement issues. These may include:
      • Incorrect placement in a sport
      • Incorrect placement in a fine art
      • Wanting to add/drop a program (with coach/director approval)

    Discretionary elective changes will be limited.  If you chose the elective, or if it was a listed alternate, then it cannot be changed.

    The procedure for requesting a change from AP to Honors or Honors to a Regular class is as follows:

    • A change may be made at the 9-weeks only.
    • Changes at the 3-weeks will only be considered if the student's academic history indicates a need for the change.