Degan No Excuses Three-Way Pledge
The Teacher Pledge
I understand the importance of fostering a positive school experience for every child. I am committed to creating a school that knows no limits to the academic success and emotional well-being of each student. I agree to carry out the responsibilities found in the Teacher Pledge. These responsibilities are:
Mission and Vision of Degan
Prepare rigorous lessons and assessments
Intentionally teach life skills of grit, growth mindset, and Eagle Essentials
Ensure that students and parents know where the student is performing, where they should be, and how to get to proficient or advanced in Reading, Writing, Science, and Math
Each of these responsibilities speaks to my commitment to teach to state standards, communicate regularly with parents, and strive to meet the individual needs of each student.
Teacher Signature
The Student Pledge
I understand that my education is very important to my future. It will help me develop the tools I need to become a successful and productive person. I know that my education now will prepare me for college in the future. Because of this I am committed to following the requirements found in my Student Handbook. In addition, I commit to:
Arriving at school everyday unless I am ill
Following the rules and the six pillars of character of our school
Completing and turning in homework on time every day
Returning letters, corrected work, and other school materials to my parents
Each of these responsibilities speaks to my commitment to learn and become the best student I can.
Student Signature
The Parent Pledge
I understand that my child’s education today is essential for their success in life. This experience will support him/her to become a successful and productive person. It will also prepare them for college if they so choose to attend. Because of this I am committed to following the requirements found in my Parent Handbook. These responsibilities are:
Mission and Vision of Degan
Commitment to ensuring my child attends school on time every day unless they are ill
Providing a regular time at home for working with my student
Working with Degan staff to help my child be successful
Each of these responsibilities speaks to my commitment to support school in order to ensure a bright future for my child.
Parent Signature