Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Maria Aguillon
- Sharon Boyd
- Emely Contreras
- Jessica Holbrook
- Carmen Ramos
- Roya Shakourir
- Deidre Stempel
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Front Office #: 469-713-5977 Option 0
Students must be signed out by a legal guardian or parent as listed on Skyward. If an emergency contact will pick up your student, please call the main office ahead of time to let them know. Please call the front office 15 minutes ahead of time if you need your student released during the school day.
Notes regarding absences can be delivered to the attendance office by your student, scanned to the Attendance contacts or faxed to Fax #: 214-626-1714 or 972-350-9200. Notes are only accepted for 3 days from the date of absence.
Students arriving after 8:53 should go to the Attendance Office for a Tardy Admit.
If a student is not on campus at the beginning of the day and comes in with a note, they should check-in at the attendance office for an admit to class.