At Forestwood, our vision is of a learning community that challenges all members to reach their individual potentials and prepares them to realize their unique roles in a
caring community.
At Forestwood, we strive to provide an education that is in line with the best thinking and practice about how people learn. As educators we:
- Think carefully about what we ask our students to do.
- Honor children, work hard to find out what they already know, and progress from that point.
- Create an environment that feels like a caring community.
- Take students seriously.
- Believe students are serious and learn with and from one another. We guide our students as they work together in a nurturing and safe environment.
- Emphasize deep understanding.
- Try to imagine how things look from the child’s point of view, envisioning what lies behind his or her questions and mistakes.
- Are focused on determining what students need and where their interests lie.
- Pose problems, ask questions and welcome mistakes.
- Help children think for themselves, facilitating learning rather than simply providing information.
- Approach education in a thoughtful, deliberate and deep manner.
- Develop our lessons carefully with the understanding that student-centered instruction leads to authentic learning.
- Strive for innovative approaches to teaching that lead to meaningful and enduring learning.