1. I teach each class once a month throughout the school year on various topics: self-esteem, how to make friends, problem-solving, etc. I will also teach more classes upon teacher request if there is a special topic that needs to be addressed. If your child comes home taking about "acting", it is probably when we role-played during my class. I try to make my classes informative and fun!
2. I meet with small groups of students as needed for approximately 6 sessions. We work on issues that those students have in common: divorce, making friends, stress, being new to the school. I schedule the group at a time and day when the teacher feels it will not interfere with learning. If your child is asked to be in a group, I will send home permission to be signed which will have all the information on it.
3 I see students individually when a parent, teacher, or administrator requests it. If you (or a staff member) want me to see your child on a regular basis for six sessions, I will send home a permission note. Again, it will be at a time that is designated by the teacher.
4. I see students during what would be considered by them (or a teacher) as a "crisis situation". He/she may experience separation anxiety one morning, be upset about a friend, have a sick pet, or be extremely stressed one day at school. If it is a situation that needs my attention more than one time, I will either call you, the parent, or send a permission note home to be signed.
5. I am available for parent calls and/or conferences. I can be at conferences with you and your child's teacher upon request. I have many parent resources for information. If needed, I can also give you referrals to counselors/therapists outside the school district.
6. I am here to collaborate with teachers, staff, and administrators in an effort to ensure your child's school success.
I am here to help you, so please feel free to contact me!