School Hours: 7:45 - 3:00 pm
Kinder – 5th and AM Pre-K
- Parents are required to enter the drive through at the north side of the building. Parents will circle the back of the building and students will be dropped off at the gym door on the south side of the building. Parents will then exit the parking lot onto Nash Dr.
- Students that are car riders will enter through the gym doors and go to their designated areas.
- Walkers and bus riders will enter the building through the front doors of the building by the office and go to designated areas.
PM Pre – K
- Parents will enter the drive through at the north side of the building. Students will be dropped off in the rear of the building(east side) by the Communities in School office
- Morning Pre-K students are dismissed at 10:50 AM from the front of the building (cafeteria door)
- Afternoon Pre-K and all other students are dismissed at 2:50 PM from the following locations:
- Bus/Daycare Riders and Walkers who wait for a parent are dismissed from the cafeteria. Parents must have a paper plate with their student’s name in order to receive their child. If you are in need of another plate, you may get one from the front office.
- Car riders are dismissed from the gym door on the south side of the building.(this is the drop off point in the mornings.) Parents will have paper plates visible in their front windows with the child’s name and grade.
- Walkers with friends/siblings will meet in the gym and exit the building from the gym door. All other walkers will exit the building immediately from the gym door.
It is the parents’ responsibility to arrange for the students to be picked up promptly or instruct students to walk home. Please do not request that students be allowed to phone home or remain at school to wait for older brothers or sisters that are in tutoring or are coming from secondary schools. Personnel are not available for supervision. If a change in transportation is necessary, you must call the office by 2:00p.m.
Students not picked up by 3:10 p.m. will be directed to wait in the front office for their parents or responsible party to come in and sign them out.