Phone: 972-350-5734


Degrees and Certifications:

Professional School Counselor B.S. in Elementary Education from Oklahoma State University M. Ed. in Counseling from University of North Texas

Emily Mennsfield

Greetings, Garden Ridge family and friends!  I am so glad that I get to be your professional school counselor at Garden Ridge!  Please see below for more information and be sure to check the website linked for up to date information.

About the Garden Ridge Elementary Guidance and Counseling Program
Our comprehensive guidance and counseling program follows Texas Education Agency guidelines. Guidance topics are centered around the following topics:

  • Decision-making, goal setting, problem solving
  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Self-Confidence
  • Cross Cultural Effectiveness
  • Responsible Behavior
  • Motivation to Achieve

Overview of the Garden Ridge Elementary Guidance Classes
All classes have guidance lessons once every three weeks.  Lessons are 30-45 minutes long.  Parent newsletters are sent home via email blast each month.  All topics covered are part of the Texas Guidance and Counseling Program.  Lessons mostly involve bibliotherapy books, short video clips and class discussion and activities.  

Types of Counseling 
Group Counseling - Small groups focus on social skills while engaging in interpersonal relationships with the children.  My goal is to help increase social interaction skills so that students can be successful. I also want to provide them with opportunities to learn more about themselves and to develop strategies and skills to positively impact their school day.  Small groups are about 3-6 students and we meet once a week for 6 weeks.  Each session is about 30 minutes.  Students can be referred through teachers, parents, and RtI.  Students can also refer themselves!

Small group topics:

  • anger management
  • family changes (divorce, marriage, new babies)
  • friendship
  • anxiety/stress
  • study skills
  • self control
  • self esteem
  • grief

Individual Counseling - Individual counseling is a responsive service in which we seek to meet the student's immediate needs and concerns.  Counseling is offered throughout the school year in a confidential setting.  Students can be referred by teacher, parent, self, and RtI committee. Individual counseling requires parent permission (signed permission slip).  School counseling is goal-oriented and generally short-term in nature.  Sessions are about 30  minutes long, once a week, for 6 weeks.  After 6 weeks, if a student still needs on-going counseling or therapy, I will refer you to outside agencies or therapists in the community.  

Please feel free to call or email me if you ever have any concerns or questions!

For additional resources, click below to check out the Garden Ridge Elementary Counseling webpage.