How do we serve G/T students at the middle school level?
As students transition from elementary to middle school, identified G/T students are served through academic core courses, specifically G/T Science and G/T English Language Arts & Reading (ELA), commonly referred to as LEAP.
Our designated G/T courses are designed for the needs of gifted learners and are highly recommended due to the differentiated curriculum, the utilization of diverse instructional strategies, and specialized training requirements for the teachers. Students are encouraged to select courses that are the best fit for their abilities, passions, and interests.
What course options does my G/T student have?
G/T English Language Arts & Reading (LEAP) offers a specialized thematic curriculum designed for G/T learners that integrates a focus on Humanities, grade-level learning standards, G/T Capacities, and Kaplan’s Depth and Complexity.
G/T Science integrates grade-level standards, increased pacing opportunities, curriculum compacting, and enrichment activities to meet the needs of gifted learners.
G/T students in Honors Mathematics classes will be clustered (groups of 5 or more) automatically.
If a dedicated G/T course does not meet minimum enrollment requirements, the G/T students will be clustered in the corresponding Honors course offering.
In addition, middle school G/T students develop personalized service plans in order to learn the importance of setting goals, internalize their current self and design who they want to become through setting academic and/or personal growth goals aiming for heightened self-awareness and whole child growth.
How do I begin the G/T referral process?
Submit the G/T Referral Process Request from the link below.
Questions? Contact Amanda McKnight, Briarhill G/T Facilitator - mcknighta@lisd.net.