How is VLA different from the virtual and virtual plus options from 2020-2021?
The LISD Virtual Learning Academy (VLA) is the district's virtual campus for high school classes which has been in existence since 2007. VLA is authorized by the Texas Virtual School Network to provide fully online courses taught by LISD teachers who have completed a 30 hour course in the teaching of virtual classes. VLA currently has more than 40 courses in their catalog. Students can take these classes as part of their campus or virtual learning schedule, creating flexibility in their schedule by taking a combination of classes on campus and classes online through VLA. Students may take up to three VLA courses in a year. While these are not self-paced classes, students do have a lot of flexibility in time of day and days of the week that they must work on their courses. VLA courses are factored into GPA calculations according to school and district policy.
The District’s 2020-21 virtual and virtual plus options differ from VLA in that they provided a full-time online option available to all students grades K-12 who did not wish to return to campus in the 2020-21 school year because of COVID-19. This option allowed students to take a full schedule online using a curriculum specifically designed for online learning and selected by LISD. LISD teachers will be teaching these courses. The Virtual Learning Academy program is NOT the same as the At-Home learning offered in Spring 2020.