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MSVL Attendance Information

Details about MSVL schedules and attendance.

The middle school virtual learning pathway has two schedules that intertwine with each other: 

  1. a “content meet” schedule
  2. an A/B schedule

To align virtual students’ days more with the in-person learning experience, students should be working in Edgenuity (and Canvas depending on the course) during the same time frames as their A/B Skyward schedule indicates. With this in mind, we have created an example weekly schedule that you and your student can complete together on a weekly basis to help with time management. We have also created an A/B calendar to show A-days and B-days for the year.

Attendance will be taken as the student's A/B Skyward schedule indicates. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has put in place the following guidelines in order for student attendance to be accepted daily: 

  • Daily progress in the Learning Management System [Edgenuity or Canvas]; or 
  • Daily progress via teacher-student interactions; or 
  • Completion/Turn-in of assignments from student to teacher (potentially via email, online, or mail)

We have received the following attendance FAQs from virtual families, and have included responses from the TEA:

“Under virtual learning, if a student decides to complete the entire week’s worth of work on Monday, can the student’s attendance be coded to show perfect attendance for the week?” 

TEA’s response: No. Student engagement is measured daily and attendance is assigned based on the student’s completion of that day’s engagement measure. Students who do not complete the daily measure of engagement are to be counted absent for that day, and the absence cannot be changed to present if the student completes the engagement on a later date. In the example above, the student would be counted ABSENT Tuesday-Friday.

“Under virtual learning, if a student fails to complete Monday’s measure of engagement but completes the assignment later in the week, can the student’s attendance coding be changed to present for Monday?”

TEA’s response: No. Student engagement is measured daily and attendance is assigned based on the student’s completion of that day’s engagement measure. Students who do not complete the daily measure of engagement are to be counted absent for that day, and the absence cannot be changed to present if the student completes the engagement on a later date. In the example above, the student would be counted ABSENT Monday.