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Lewisville High School Celebrates Homecoming 2024

Farmers host parade, pep rally and football game for the LHS community.

Festivities included dress-up days, the annual homecoming parade and community pep rally, hall decorating, football game and the homecoming dance. Special dress-up days centered around this year's theme, "Big John's Big Debut." 

Seniors Luca Bella Francis and Ali Harb were named Homecoming Queen and King and the following students represented the 2024 LHS Homecoming Court:

Harmon Freshman Duke and Duchess
Kemen Fox
Isabella Salas

Harmon Sophomore Duke and Duchess
Maximo Valdez
Geraldine Polanco

Killough Freshman Duke and Duchess
Lopez Mendez
Dezirae Gomez

Killough Sophomore Duke and Duchess
Noah McNeil
Azucena Altamirano

Junior Duke and Duchess
Xavier Fleming
Jordyn Dounley

Senior King Nominees
Ali Harb
Gabriel Lewis
Foster McNeal
Joshua Salas
Zachary Waller

Senior Queen Nominees
Destiny Courtney
Luca Bella Francis
Sofia Flores
Guadalupe Luna
Ashley Olivares
Ella Walker
Gissel Valdez

The Lewisville Farmers played the Braswell Bengals, winning 56-23.

During halftime, Dr. David Polser and Dr. Leslie Ekpe were inducted into the LHS Hall of Fame. Longtime Lewisville ISD educator, former Farmer football coach and LISD Athletic Director Ronnie Gage was also honored with the official naming of the Ronnie Gage Fieldhouse.

Browse and share your favorite moments from the parade, pep rally and the football game by visiting the LHS Facebook page.

Go, Farmers!

Lewisville High School is a Lewisville Independent School District high school in Lewisville, Texas, serving all Farmers with engaging educational experiences, strong traditions, storied extracurriculars and future-ready opportunities. Follow LHS on Facebook and Twitter to see more throughout the school year. Join the Lewisville ISD family by enrolling today, or visit Best Schools in Texas to learn more.