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VIDEO: Let Your Voice Be Heard - VOTE

Feb. 2, 2018 

Lewisville ISD Parents,

For the last few years, our district has become increasingly active in advocating at the state level for our students and community. From fighting the Texas Education Agency to change its fundamentally-flawed approach to student accountability, to challenging the legislature to find a funding formula that removes some of the burden from local taxpayers and increases the state share, we are doing all we can to change the landscape of education in Texas.

But we can’t do it alone! We need you to join the fight. How can you do that? Join educators across Texas to elect pro-public education legislators at the state and local levels. Early voting for the March 6 primary election begins Feb. 20.

We sent this informational video to our school community, and I want to share it with you. I’ve encouraged our staff members to use their TEACHER VOICE in the elections, and I am calling on each of you to find YOUR “teacher voice” to speak out on behalf of public education.

VIDEO: Let Your Voice Be Heard - VOTE

Video link:

In the coming weeks, we will send additional non-partisan resources to help you research candidates and find those who best align with your beliefs. Look for our posts on social media with the hashtag #TXTeacherVoice and start lending your voice – and your vote – to the efforts.

As a proud Texan, it disappoints me that so few registered voters actually show up at the polls. I hope you will be a part of changing that! Together, we can create a wave of support for public schools across the state and elect legislators who truly represent our students and our schools.

Are you with me?

Kevin Rogers
Superintendent of Schools
Lewisville Independent School District