January Newsletter
January 7, 2023
Dear Parents,
Happy New Year to you all! I hope this new year brings you all much joy, happiness, love, gratitude, acceptance, understanding and all the things that help make this world a better place.
I heard a radio announcer right after the start of the new year speaking about new year’s resolutions and how most people make some, but break them within a month of time. He challenged his listening audience not to make resolutions, but instead to just be better humans every day, to show grace and gratitude to all we meet and pay it forward as often as possible. I listened intently to what he said and took it all to heart. It just makes sense, be better humans.
We had a very busy December with our Boosterthon Mustang Stampede Fun Run on Dec. 2nd, our Annual Elf Workshop on Dec. 10th, Holiday Parties on Dec. 15th and finally our Sing-A-Long that we brought back on Dec. 16th. Great time had by all at every event!!
I want to publicly thank all the parents who donated gift cards to help me treat the teachers before the break. We had a fantastic staff meeting/game afternoon where the teachers could win prizes (gift cards) as winners of the games. It was a great time! So, thank you parents!!!!
Our Vocabulary Parade is happening again this year on Wednesday, January 18th. I will send some additional information regarding this in a separate email. Be on the lookout for it.
Below are some January and February events that are occurring over the next few weeks. Please take a moment to jot down some of these important dates.
January Events:
Jan. 9th – School Store Fundraiser Begins
Jan. 10th – Class Group Pictures (Spring individual pictures will be taken later in the semester)
Jan. 11th – 5th graders visit Griffin or Lakeview Middle School for their annual school tour
Jan. 13th – Our Mighty Mustang Awards for the 2nd 9 weeks will be presented during our morning Round-Up.
Jan. 13th – Friday Nite Live! K-5th graders welcome; 7:00-10:30 p.m.; $15.00 per student
Jan. 16th – School Holiday in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Jan. 17th – Winter Choir Concert – 7:00 p.m. – Our Choir performs!
Jan. 18th – VOCABULARY PARADE for National Thesaurus Day!!
Jan. 20th – Griffin Middle School Band, Choir and Orchestra here to perform for 5th grade
Jan. 20th – Friday Nite Live! K-5th graders welcome; 7:00-10:30 p.m.; $15.00 per student
Jan. 23rd -27th – Parent Lunch Week!
Jan. 25th – End of the 1st 3 weeks of the 3rd 9 weeks!
Jan. 27th – Progress Report Day
Jan. 27th – Miss Bacque’s last official day on campus.
Jan. 27th – Friday Nite Live! K-5th graders welcome; 7:00-10:30 p.m.; $15.00 per student
Jan. 31st – PTA Birthday Table during lunch
February Events:
Feb. 2nd – Texas Military Heroes Day
Feb. 3rd – National Wear Red Day (Heart Month) ; Kid’s Heart Challenge Kick-off at Round-Up
Feb. 3rd – Friday Nite Live! K-5th graders welcome; 7:00-10:30 p.m.; $15.00 per student
Feb. 5th-10th – Go Red Week (in honor of Heart Month); National School Counseling Week; Talent Show Auditions-date TBD
Feb. 10th – 3rd grade to Elm Fork
Feb. 10th – Friday Nite Live! K-5th graders welcome; 7:00-10:30 p.m.; $15.00 per student
Feb. 14th – Valentine’s Parties (activities and times to be determined by classroom teacher)
Feb. 14th – PTA General Meeting – 7:00 p.m. – 1st grade performs!!
Feb. 15th – End of the 2nd 3 weeks of the 3rd 9 weeks; SRO Appreciation Day
Feb. 16th – Kid’s Heart Challenge Jump Rope for Heart Day during fine arts times
Feb. 17th – EARLY RELEASE DAY for students at 11:45 a.m.; Teachers will have a Professional Learning Day in the afternoon, so please ensure you have made arrangements to pick-up your child at the EARLY RELEASE time of 11:45 a.m.
Feb. 17th – Progress Report Day
Feb. 17th – Friday Nite Live! K-5th graders welcome; 7:00-10:30 p.m.; $15.00 per student
Feb. 20th – School Holiday in recognition of President’s Day.
Feb. 22nd – Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Feb. 23rd – Club Photos for Yearbook (more info. as we get closer to this date)
Feb. 24th – Friday Nite Live! K-5th graders welcome; 7:00-10:30 p.m.; $15.00 per student
Feb. 28th – PTA Birthday Table during lunch
Feb. 28th – Talent Show Assembly for students at 8:15 a.m.
Feb. 28th – Talent Show for parents and families – 6:30 p.m. – Morningside Cafeteria
Again, Happy New Year!
Rita Bacque, Principal