Principal's Message

  • Current, Former, and Future Dolphin Families,

    Welcome to the STEM Academy @ Donald Elementary! I am so happy to have you as a part of the Donald Dolphin family. As the first STEM Academy in LISD, Donald has a legacy of providing students with learning experiences that foster student growth both academically and socially, so our vision is to ensure “Donald Dolphins are fearless problem-solvers who choose to face challenges with an open mind and a kind heart.” To achieve this vision, we encourage all students to intentionally focus on growth of 6 specific skills we call the Essential Dolphin Skills. We want to support our students in making a positive SPLASH in our school and our community because we understand every small splash creates a ripple that extends to others!



    Self Aware 


    Leaders in Learning 

    Able to Adapt 

    Sharing Their Gifts 


    In addition to the focusing on growth of SPLASH skills, our students experience daily STEM instruction which encourages them to think divergently and to make connections across all content areas. At Donald, we are not only focused on developing strong learners today; we are growing exceptional future leaders!

    Ultimately, the strength of Donald lies within its community, and we focus on intentionally fostering communication and collaboration between staff members, parents, and students. In the classrooms, teachers focus on creating learning experiences that engage students in authentic work. To support this effort, many Donald families are actively involved in dedicating their time and talents to ensuring our students have access to unique experiences that enhance their learning. As a collective, the Donald community is committed to helping each Donald student reach their maximum potential.

    I am glad you are here, and I look forward to learning and growing as a member of our community this year. I know, as we work together, we will find many opportunities to celebrate student success at the STEM Academy @ Donald Elementary!


    Heather Shorter
    STEM Academy @ Donald Elementary School
    Heather Shorter, Principal | Donald STEM