

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kimberly Sawyer

I am from Durant, OK.  This is also where I went to college.  I have a BS in Math and Physics with a minor in Chemistry.  I started teaching in 1994 in Bonham, Tx.  This is where I met my husband.  We moved to Texarkana, Tx. the next fall and were married in 1995.  My son was also born in 1997 in Texarkana.  In 1998, we moved to The Colony and I taught at Schimelpfinig Middle School in Plano, Tx.  I was very lucky to interview with Mr. Plunkett at Killough in 2006 and was hired to teach Algebra.  When the Harmon Campus opened I transferred here and switched to teaching Biology.  Ever since then, have taught mainly Biology with one either Math or Chemistry added.  I love the challenge.


Ms. Kimberly Sawyer
Classroom phone: 214-222-6910
Classroom number: 2402