Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Tiffanni Waesch
Hi there, my name is Tiffanni Waesch and I LOVE ALL THINGS ABOUT ETHRIDGE!
I began my teaching career in August 2001 at Lakeview Middle School here in The Colony teaching 8th grade Science. I moved to 3rd grade at Ethridge in August 2007 when my daughter started Kindergarten. Both of my children had amazing experiences at Ethridge and consider themselves to be lifelong Eagles.
My husband grew up in The Colony attending Camey, Griffin, and TCHS, so we didn’t hesitate when it came to where we wanted to raise our family! We bleed black & gold! GO TCHS COUGARS! Both of our children attended Ethridge, Lakeview, and TCHS. More than anything, I want you to know that you are in a great community and an even better school district where the support of the schools and students is unmatched.
I graduated from the University of North Texas with a BS in Kinesiology and was alternatively certified as a teacher from Region XI ESC in 2001. To me, teaching is more than just academics; it has become my passion to empower students to be the best version of themselves. I try to inspire my students to hold themselves responsible and accountable for their education as they transition to middle school. Partnering and establishing relationships with parents is also something that I look forward to every year.
In my spare time, I am ALL ABOUT SOCCER! You can usually find me, my husband, and our dog either watching our son (the future Tar Heel) playing locally or watching our daughter playing for the Auburn University Women’s Soccer team!